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David Bernick

I got one. I wasn't planning on it, but I walked by the store with my girlfriend, saw no line and went in. We played with it and her eyes lit up. She loved it. That's when I decided to buy it. Not FOR her, per se, but for people like her -- couch computing. She loves couch computing. Poking around shopping sites, reading blogs, watching netflix or hulu or playing puzzle games. She thinks it's perfect for that. I don't disagree.

We were in the market for an e-reader and that was the comparison. So my expectations were, "how does it fit for an e-reader". I like it for that purpose. It doesn't bother my eyes and, with the case, I am comfortable reading it one-handed. As an e-reader, I like it just fine. I hate the ibooks store for browsing and figuring out what I want and forsee myself buying most of my books through the Kindle app (until Apple figures out how to recommend me things like Amazon does).

I'm looking forward to diagraming/brainstorming apps (similar to SmartBoards that teachers have). I want to go into a meeting, sketch stuff out on it, discuss with it, send notes into the cloud and when I leave the meeting, have To-Do lists, emails and notes with diagrams (in usable diagraming formats). I think we'll see apps pointing us in that direction. The current batch of productivity/office apps are very "meh" in that regard, but I can sense it happening.

Being a nascent health-IT company, I have already begun going down that road, too, and certainly see it being a good device for that (and not just in ambulatory care).

Now that I have the device, my feeling is this:
Good E-reader.
Excellent game platform.
Yet-to-be-seen-but-promising productivity platform.

As a techie aside, I'm a Palm Pre user. With that device, my phone acts as a wifi hotspot. So I have, essentially, an ipad 3G already.

Dave Wilt

If a jailbroken iPhone could be an ipad hotspot...

Desmond Pieri

Chip, thanks for a balanced review of this device. (So many of the reviews are on the extremes.) A couple of comments.

1. Insightful what you say about Jobs looking at the market need of net-books (which I never took to as a device), and addressed that need in a very different way. He is brilliant.

2. I like your view that the iPad is not a great e-reader, and therefore, by default, not a Kindle-killer. I want to see Eink continue to do well, even though nearly all of the people are gone who were there in 2000 - 2001 when I was at Eink on my first (of 10) interim assignments.

Thanks again for your sharing your (and you kids') experience on the iPad.

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