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Ryan Bowse

Great post and thanks for the insight. The romance loser line got me to laugh out loud as it is so true.

What are you thoughts on the major power issue that needs to be address around the tablet? While I am extremely excited about the device I start to think about all those radios (3G, WiFi bluetooth) and the high resolution screen that thing is going to be no better than a new macbook pro battery. I wonder if the will make the battery replaceable unlike the current iphone/itouch hardware config.

Thanks for the post!

Chip Hazard

Thanks Ryan! I agree battery life will be the biggest issue and hope it will be replaceable, although with Apple you never know. I suspect there will be a good third party market for charging docks as I could imagine popping it into a dock in my family room every night for charging. I also suspect it will have granular radio controls such that you can modify what is on when. Nonetheless, reading a book on a cross country flight will likely be better on a Kindle as a result.

A Facebook User

Chip--why do you think Amazon is a loser in this scenario? Surely Kindle for iPhone becomes Kindle for iPad/iSlate/whatever, and Amazon has a better chance of keeping its relationships with publishers than Apple has of building new ones, no?

Regardless, I agree with the rest of your list. Will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow and beyond.


Chip Hazard

Thanks for the comment. You are right that the Kindle iPhone app likely transitions well to the tablet and I know Amazon certainly commands more and more of my book wallet as a result of the Kindle, which may make up for other loses. That said, I worry Kindle device sales will decline, with the accompanying impact on the top and bottom line, and that it never becomes the platform they would like as new users, who don't already have a Kindle, find other apps to use instead of Amazon's. Further, I think that over time Amazon loses relative power with publishers once there is another game in town. In the end, you are right in that it will be interesting to see what happens!

Chip Correra

I suspect that Amazon will ultimately loose the device war, especially if Apple ups the hardware anti and pushes Amazon further away from their core business. When push comes to shove, Amazon will refocus on their primary revenue stream - the aggregation and sale of published content - they might even go the free dedicated reader route if they can cover the cost by owning the store. I'm hoping that enough competition will arise to force Apple to break down the walled garden (aka iTunes/iBookstore).

In addition, Amazon should keep an eye on the looming mobile content war with Google's book and Android as the dark horse in this upcoming battle.

Finally, @Ryan's concern for batteries and displays - there are some pretty exciting display technologies being developed at a company called Pixel Qi.

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