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Bilal Zuberi

Awesome stuff. We need more VCs who can empathize with the entrepreneurs for what they are putting on line to embark on the entrepreneurial journey. While some VCs consider investing a win-some-lose-some option play, an entrepreneur puts his career at stake on a single company. All VCs think they are making a sound decision....but some go that extra distance to truly partner in helping build a great, lasting business.

John Franson

Nice insight on your perspective. So often it is forgotten that the fundamentals persevere.

Randy Domolky

I find it strange when people say "don't take it personally." Don't they want me to strive toward a positive outcome with some ownership of the actual outcome - either good or bad? You are talking about "principal-based investing." You are acting as if it is 100% your money on the line and your job and your reputation and your self-worth. Warren Buffett does the same thing and it is working out fairly well for him! Good job! Keep it up...

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